Laminitis in horses and ponies is generally considered to be a serious problem that is incurable when it is in its late stages. Even if it has just occurred, the veterinary treatment has poor prognosis. Also known as founder, depending on which country you are in, this condition of the hoof affects mostly ponies or hardy, cob type horses.

Ponies and cobs generally come from areas of the world that have poor soils, and so consequently, nutrient poor grasses. They have adapted to live, usually very well, on an oily rag.

The problem arises when people put these ponies and horses on grass that is meant for farm animals. Farmers want rapid growth of their animals for a quick return on investment. This means that these grasses are far too rich for the average horse, let alone those who have adapted to live on poor grazing.

Rich grasses that stimulate rapid growth do so at the expense of long term health. Good health depends on slower growth, laying down the foundations for quality. Horses really should not be grazed on grasses that are grown for farm animals, but especially not hardy equines.

Founder in horses starts off with inflammation of the laminates of the hoof. This often means, although not always, the hooves become very warm. Typically the front hooves are the first to be affected. Movement is painful, but so too is standing. So the horse takes up a stance of stretching the front legs forward, so they can put most of the weight on the hind hooves.

If this condition is allowed to continue without limiting the rich feed, the laminates will start to separate. The bone in the hoof can start to turn. When this happens, the veterinary profession usually shakes its head and advises euthanasia. They consider it impossible to restore the bone to its rightful position.

Even when a pony has recovered, the problem is likely to recur regularly.

I was recently talking to a vet who also practices homeopathy. He told me about a pony who was brought to him in a last ditch effort to help. The previous vet had strongly suggested euthanasia as the pedal bone had turned and the pony could scarcely move.

He treated the pony with the best indicated homeopathic remedy. When the family returned the following morning, expecting bad news, the pony was trotting about the paddock perfectly normally. They were dumbfounded.

How did the bone turn back to its rightful position at all, let alone in the few hours they had been away? How did the inflammation subside so quickly leaving no trace?

A month later, the family contacted the vet, telling him that the pony was back doing well at pony club.

Homeopathic treatment of anything, not just laminitis in horses, tends to have seemingly miraculous results. But that’s only compared with mainstream veterinary or medical treatment. Homeopaths are so used to seeing miracles, that we are no longer surprised.

Anything can happen when you are open to the idea. Don’t limit your thoughts to those of limited belief.


Madeleine Innocent

You know how often people struggle with their horse’s health? They want to know WHY they suffer with health issues and all their veterinarian can offer is drugs and more drugs? They feel helpless and at the mercy of another. Well, what I do is to help you pinpoint WHY your horse is getting sick and implement a strategy that takes you to a feeling of empowerment, of being in control of their life. A strategy that restores their health and allows you, and them, to enjoy life.

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