Stormy May discovered the limitations of traditional horse training and is dedicated to bringing the natural horse into awareness.
Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling is one of the influential natural horse and rider trainers.
Manage your pastures for greater nutrient density and biodiversity with permaculture.
Bob Cook’s extensive research.
A video with Bob Cook and Daniel Mills discussing the problems.
World Bitless Association has many articles well worth reading.
There are pros and cons about microchipping. This excellent article covers just about everything about them, even though it's for dogs.
Two Legs and Four is my main website for all beings, whether with two legs or four!
Perth Homeopath is my general blog.
Natural Cat Health focuses just on the health of our precious felines.
Natural Dog Health focuses just on the health of our precious canines.
The Homeopathic Research Institute website
The Australian Homoeopathic Association website
The National Center For Homeopathy Research page
The Faculty of Homeopathy website
Hpathy’s Research in Homoeopathy list
Cellular Phone Task Force was founded in 1996 in response to the health and environmental threats posed by the launch of wireless revolution. It is a mine of information.
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