Cynthia Cooper of Natural Horse World wishes a happy new year of the horse!
Her wish list for the new year is so inspiring, I thought you might enjoy.
"On my wish
The effects of the bit part 1. The way bits work explained using a 3D-model. In this part it's explained why horses ridden with bits so often open their mouths.
Watch this amazing video of a grand prix dressage without a bridle. And this was 1988. Where has the progress gone?
Wounded horses can't cry is a stunning video on the chaos horses often face in interacting with unaware people.
Like with these fighting breeding stallions everyday chaos accummulates to high danger.
Saddle fitting is not an easy task. The gullet width of a saddle is important for a correctly fitting saddle. Four fingers is a general guide. However, every horse is
Laminitis in horses and ponies is generally considered to be a serious problem that is incurable when it is in its late stages. Even if it has just occurred, the
Horse injuries are common, horses being the flightly animals they are. This is not only unpleasant for the horse, but it means down time for both of you and often
Klaus' latest book is The Horse Seeks Us. Fantastic pictures from a play-dance-working-session in the wild nature at liberty. Very clearly you can see the fantastic effects of the Magic-Lungeing,
Grazing for horses offers the most natural environment to ensure a contented horse, all other aspects being considered. But, as with everything in life, there is grazing and then there